Wednesday, June 4, 2008


When I worked at Gymboree they changed the logo and the way Gymbo looked, so they were getting rid of all the things with the old Gymbo and logo. Some of those things were some mats and some foam shapes. My old boss thought it would be a waste to just through these things out so she asked if I wanted them and so of course I took them, how could I not? So now they are used to make cool forts and to play house. And occasionally they are used to play Spongebob. The thing that they are in is Spongebobs "house". We also have a half dome they use for Patricks "house". They have so much fun that I signed Maddi and Samuel up for classes at our Gymboree here. Wow! they are so expensive! They love it though, they never want to leave.

1 comment:

Megan said...

so much fun. I agree, the classes are way expensive, but I bet they just LOVE them!