Friday, July 11, 2008

Samuel is 2!

Samuel turned 2 on June 24th I can't believe that 2 years have come and gone so quickly. He is such a joy to have in the family. He is so smart and talks so much. He loves to give hugs and high fives. He really likes to play with things he's not supposed to like, dvd players, cell phones, computers and daddies glasses. He copies everything that Madelyn does even the tantrums so if Maddi is happy so is he, if she is sad he is too, and if she is mad he's mad too. He is also a mommas boy and I love it. We love you Samuel! Happy Birthday!


Heather said...

He is so cute!

Megan said...

we miss you guys!! I need to call you. I will soon, promise. I got back from Utah on Monday and life is crazy like always!