Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So being a mom of 4 kids is hard....well pretty much just being a mom no matter how many kids you have is hard.  There are so many levels of being a mom, it's crazy and exhausting, you love your kids no matter what but there are those days, you know... those days.  Every mom has them.  The days you're thinking, WTH did I do wrong, this really isn't my child, you have got to be kidding me, is it bed time yet?  Can I take a Valium or better yet give my kids one?  Yeah, those days.  Now that my kids, well some of them are a little older those days are coming more frequently, and while I really enjoy my kids getting older I still miss them little.  Having a 2 year old still is awesome, I still get those sweet moments of hugs and kisses, arms wrapped around your legs hugs.

No doubt this is the best calling of life I have, I wouldn't want it any other way.  I recently have made some decisions and gone back on decisions and yet again still don't know what I'm doing.  I was doing in home day-care and while it was great staying at home, I've never gotten one on one time with Alaina.  This past summer some of my families have lost jobs or have gone on maternity leave so I have been struggling to find just what I'm going to do to make a little extra money.  I asked around to see if anyone could watch Alaina, while some said yes sometimes and others said no I did find someone to watch her.  So I decided to go to work during the days at the Loft where I work.  THEN, a flier came home with my kids about the schools needing help in the cafeterias, that actually sounded fun, so I went and applied and now am just waiting.  I really am not sure if it's the right thing to do because I really enjoy spending time with Alaina, she's a cool kid :)  But at the same time we all know that in this economy we really just cant sit back and wait for money to fall in to our wallets (that would be super rad!)  So while I write this I still don't know what I'm doing I guess I'm just waiting for inspiration or something.

So about the kids, Bailee is now in 7th grade and is such a great kid, I couldn't have asked for a better pre-teen girl.  She is in band and still super smart.  She really loves school.  I'm so proud of her!

Maddi is in 3rd grade, she has Bailee's 3rd grade teachers and she loves them, they are 2 part time teachers that share a class, it's pretty cool.  She also got baptized on her birthday, and for those of you who don't know in the LDS religion kids are baptized at the age of 8.  And for her to have it done on her actual birthday, that's pretty cool!  She was so excited and almost all of Conan's family was able to be there it was a very special day.

Samuel is a big 1st grader and he has a class with his best friend Ryan, and he loves it too.  Although I think he gets really tired since this is his first time going to school all day everyday.

Alaina is just hanging out with me and she is my shadow, she follows me around all day talking my ear off.  Yesterday in the car she said she wanted to stop and do somersaults down the hill, but decided she better not because it was too hot out side.  She said this all with a very serious look on her face.  She is too funny!

Conan, he is working his butt of at work for all of us and then comes home and works just as hard taking care of things so I can go to work.  He's getting tired too. :)  So that about sums it up!

                                                        This is the serious look!

My super awesome sister in-law Megan came for Maddi's baptism and took our family pictures.